Natural family planning, or nfp, is the only option that is free and has no impact on health 1. Contraceptive use varies substantially around the world, both with respect to total use and the types of methods used. There are many different types of contraception available in aotearoa new zealand. Family planning methods and practice cdc stacks centers for. Before intercourse, place condom on tip of erect penis with rolled side out 3. Cervical cancer is caused by certain types of human papillomavirus. To see the decisionmaking tool and to download it from the internet, go to. Natural family planning nfp is the method that uses the bodys natural physiological changes and symptoms to identify the fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual cycle. This flipchart is a tool to use during family planning counselling or in group sessions with clients. Some contraceptive methods such as male condom, withdrawal and rhythm methods have. Of 100 couples each year that use natural family planning methods, such as fertility awareness, up to 25 women may become pregnant.
Natural family planning uses different methods to pinpoint those fertility days. Natural family planning nfp is defined by the world health organization who as methods for planning or avoiding pregnancies by observation of the. The decision of which birth control method to use is often based on health concerns, habits, and vital personal preferences like religion. These methods contain hormones called estrogen and progestin that are similar to the estrogen and progesterone a woman makes in her own body. After procedure, little or nothing to do or remember. There are two types of fertility awareness methods that help determine fertile days. One uses the calendar to track fertile days, and the other observes the physical. Emergency contraception is intended for occasional use only, not as a regular method of birth control. Fertility awarenessbased methods alone have a one in four chance of leading to an unintended pregnancy.
Other family planning methods may be more effective and easier to use for long term protection 1. Female abdominal, laparoscopic, and hysteroscopic 0. All of these methods are hormonal and are not easily reversible, but fertility returns after discontinuation. Use a new condom for every act of sexual intercourse 2. There are two types of emergency contraception to choose. Family planning benefits all world health organization. Natural family planning and fertility awareness hhs. Family planning types redcare health service management. Different types of family planning methods how to adult. You can use natural family planning to control pregnancy in several ways. The need for family planning article pdf available in population and environment 284. There are two types of family planning one of them refers to the usage of artificial.
Contraceptive use by method 2019 the united nations. There are different methods of contraception, including. Such methods are also known as fertilitybased awareness methods. Download as a pdf or order multiple copies of this pamphlet. According to the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists, nfp requires learning the bodys cycles to recognize when a woman is most fertile. Modern methods of family planning department of health.
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